Geriatric Dentistry -
Latest news and research from on the topic of Gerodontics
Aging-associated differences between perioral and trunk muscle characteristics
Healthy ageing and oral health: priority, policy and public health
Tongue brushing enhances the myoelectric activity of the suprahyoid muscles in older adults: a six-week randomized controlled trial
Exploring the impact of oral health on the quality of life in older patients: a cross-sectional study
Short-term data suggests cognitive benefits in the elderly with single-implant overdentures
Effect of ionizing radiation on the mechanical properties of current fluoride-releasing materials
Clinicians’ view on the management of oral health in Parkinson’s disease patients: a qualitative study
Systematic review and meta-analysis on physical barriers to prevent root dentin demineralization
The relationship between ocular and oral dryness in a cohort from the 65-year-old population in Norway
Potential educational and workforce strategies to meet the oral health challenges of an increasingly older population: a qualitative study
Correction: Perspectives of community-dwelling older adults with dementia and their carers regarding their oral health practices and care: rapid review
Perspectives of community-dwelling older adults with dementia and their carers regarding their oral health practices and care: rapid review
Crisis in care homes: the dentists don’t come
The accuracy of laser fluorescence (DIAGNOdent) in assessing caries lesion activity on root surfaces, around crown margins, and in furcations in older adults
Association between oral health and dementia in the elderly: a population-based study in Korea
Infrequent Denture Cleaning Increased the Risk of Pneumonia among Community-dwelling Older Adults: A Population-based Cross-sectional Study
Effectiveness of prosthodontic interventions and survival of remaining teeth in adult patients with shortened dental arches—Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis
Dentists’ opinions on knowledge, attitudes and barriers in providing oral health care to older people living independently in the Netherlands and Flanders (Belgium)
Summary of: The relationship between oral health risk and disease status and age, and the significance for general dental practice funding by capitation
Barriers to providing dental care for older people